Contornos de diversidad y ciudadanía en América Latina
By: Ana Luisa Guerrero, Jorge Olvera García, Julio César Olvera García coordinadores.
$ 23.00
ITEM: 185048
CONTORNOS DE DIVERSIDAD Y CIUDADANÍA EN AMÉRICA LATINA. / Ana Luisa Guerrero, Jorge Olvera García, Julio César Olvera García (coordinators). México, Estado de México : Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México ; Ciudad de México : Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe ; Miguel Ángel Porrúa, 2017. 259 pages : includes references at the end of each chapter, semblances, bibliography; 23 cm. (Serie Las Ciencias Sociales. Tercera Década). ISBN : 9786075241586 (volumen) ; 6075241582 (serie).
Product information
The objective of this research is to problematize the weakened ideals of freedom and equality of western modernity, framed by Latin American contexts in which peaceful and respectful coexistence of cultural diversity in its collective as well as individual sense has not been achieved. The authors' intention is to invite reflection on peaceful coexistence between majorities and minorities without attempts to extinguish the dominant part over the dominated part. As part of the Social Sciences Series, 11 texts by authors are brought together that provide perspectives on interculturality, feminisms, citizenship, human rights and migration.
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