
Crónicas : 40 artículos personajes, historias, costumbres y tradiciones

By: Rubén Vasconcelos Beltrán.

$ 35.50

ITEM: 170927
Vasconcelos Beltrán, Rubén CRÓNICAS: 40 ARTÍCULOS. PERSONAJES, HISTORIA, COSTUMBRES Y TRADICIONES. / Rubén Vasconcelos Beltrán Oaxaca, México: Carteles Editores, 2013. 190 pages : Illustrations, 23 cm. ISBN 9786079305031.
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Collection of chronicles about the city of Oaxaca. The author narrates stories based on the traditions of Oaxaca, its most important celebrations and some of the most relevant cultural and political personalities that populate the daily landscape of the city.

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