Del surco a la troje


$ 28.20

ITEM: 193273
DEL SURCO A LA TROJE : MITOS Y TEXTOS SOBRE EL MAÍZ. / Elisa Ramírez Castañeda. Ciudad de México, México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México , Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial , Cultura UNAM, 2020. 160 pages includes : references, glosary, bibliography ; 23 cm. (Serie Pluralia). ISBN : 9786073038522 (UNAM) ; 9786077655381 (Pluralia).
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Myths about corn are the most abundant in anthropological bibliography, where they try to explain its origin, giving it divine qualities, since it was and is fundamental in food. In this anthology the lector can find mexican stories, songs, sayings, writings and testimonies from the XX century about corn, many of them being of indigenous origin. A notable characteristic of these texts is that, despite coming from different languages and places, they have similarities, while sharing the same mythical time and logic, where it might seem that they create images, but in reality they explain their origins, culture and worldview.

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