Cuentos incontables

By: De la Concha, Ana Joaquina

$ 35.50

ITEM: 184662
CUENTOS INCONTABLES. / Ana Joaquina de la Concha. Cuernavaca, Morelos, México : La Cartonera, 2018. 130 pages : includes illustrations ; 22 cm.
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Master in Mexican Literature from BUAP, Ana Joaquina de la Concha was winner of the Maria Luisa Puga Short Story Prize in 1990 and the Universidad Iberoamericana Short Story Prize in 1993. This is issue number 75 of a print run of 120 and consists of 9 stories that talk about everyday events for Mexicans that, however, if they stand out on their own, they are a set of experiences and/or beliefs unique to those who were born in Mexico - such as the flight of the monarch butterfly, the earthquake 1985, the bad omen of the black butterfly. This edition belongs to La Cartonera, so its manufacture is a handmade work bound in cardboard with a unique cover.

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