Silencio y vacío

By: Pedro Perales Arizpe

$ 23.60

ITEM: 185891
SILENCIO Y VACÍO. / Pedro Perales Arizpe. Monclova, Coahuila, México : Editorial Pape , Biblioteca Harold R. Pape ; Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, 2018. 117 pages ; 22 cm. 
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Pedro Perales Arizpe has been awarded first place at the state level in the short story section in the Zócalo de Saltillo contest, at the Artega International Book Fair, as well as has been selected in short story anthologies published by the Municipal Institute of Culture from Saltillo. This title offers a series of short poems divided into 3 parts: “Silence”, “Intermezzo” and “Vacío”. These verses address various themes such as life, love, truth, madness and death, which is quite recurrent and with which it gives a twist to his poetry, adding a touch of depth.

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