El Tecuan Una danza indígena guerrerense

By: Hugo Figueroa Salgado.

$ 12.95

ITEM: 122611
Figueroa Salgado, Hugo. EL TECUAN: UNA DANZA INDÍGENA GUERRERENSE AUTÓCTONA Y TRADICIONAL CONVERTIDA EN LEYENDA / Hugo Figueroa Salgado. Apaxtla de Castrejón, Guerrero: [Autor], 2003.  77 pages: 21 cm. Fotografías.
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Narrates legend behind traditional indigenous dance La Danza del Tecuán or Danza del Tigre, from northern Guerrero. Provides historical and geographical context, evolution of dance in the region, anecdotes, superstitions, interviews with dancers and Nahuatl glossary. Reflects on and analyzes importance of this dance for the community and records key community figures who have promoted it since 1920.

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