
Carnavales en la Mixteca: Entre el culto a la fertilidad y el festejo católico

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ITEM: 128819
CARNAVALES EN LA MIXTECA : ENTRE EL CULTO A LA FERTILIDAD Y EL FESTEJO CATÓLICO. / Jorge Hernández-Díaz, Graciela C. Angeles Carreño. Oaxaca, México :  Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes ; Instituto de Investigaciones Sociológicas de la Universidad Benito Juárez de Oaxaca ; Carteles Editores, 2005. 201 pages : includes maps, notes, references, photos, bibliography ; 23 cm. ISBN : 968798479I.
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Dances are artistic manifestations of a millenary heritage and have endured for centuries in different localities of Oaxaca, but are also associated with the expansion of Catholicism. Although some of these dances have been lost in time, those that remain have acquired new meanings, being performed by the people in a special way during carnival season. This title compiles information, data and photos of four cases of carnivals in the Mixteca region, which document the complexity of the relationships established for their execution and the conditions that make them possible.

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