Iglesias kirishitan

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ITEM: 183140
IGLESIAS KIRISHITAN : EL ARTE DE LO EFÍMERO EN LAS MISIONES CATÓLICAS EN JAPÓN (1549-1639). / Rie Arimura. Ciudad de México, México : Universidad Iberoamericana, 2017. 291 pages : includes color maps, color illustrations, tables, bibliography ; 23 cm. ISBN : 9786074174656.
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Arimura investigates the contributions of japanese artists in the production of catholic art during evangelization. Studying the architecture and interior furnishings of catholic worship spaces in japan is challenging because all the churches were destroyed due to the anti-christian policies of the native authorities. Despite this obstacle, the author rescues a large number of documentary references to reconstruct the specific characteristics of these religious sites. As an extra note, this edition consists of only 500 copies.

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