Eso que cuenta la gente: Leyendas y relatos de Guadalajara

By: Jesús Sepúlveda Vázquez

$ 14.20

ITEM: 129574
ESO QUE CUENTA LA GENTE : LEYENDAS Y RELATOS DE GUADALAJARA. / Jesús Sepúlveda Vázquez. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México : Consejo de la Crónica y la Historia de la Ciudad de Guadalajara, 2004. 105 pages : includes illustrations, bibliography ; 21 cm.
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The importance of the legend is not found in the dialectical material, since it cannot be verified as a real and palpable fact, but rather it lies at the center, deep within the imagination. A book of legends is a mosaic of many voices that invite the reader to enter a world of unusual characters and extraordinary situations. Here, 27 legends told in the state of Jalisco are gathered, compiled by the author and expressed in a simple narrative, with a rich language and accompanied by illustrations by Rafael Rodríguez Hernández.

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