Estudios Latinoamericanos, Nueva época, Núm 44 Julio-diciembre 2019

$ 25.70

ITEM: 190516
ESTUDIOS LATINOAMERICANOS, NUEVA ÉPOCA, NÚM 44 JULIO-DICIEMBRE 2019. / Ciudad de México, México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México , Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales , Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos, 2019. 207 pages : includes tables, bibliography at the end of each chapter ;  23 cm. (Serie Estudios Latinoamericanos). ISSN : 01871811.
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Number 44 of the journal Estudios Latinoamericanos de Nueva Época, which covers publications from July to December 2019. In the A Debate section, you can find texts by Omar Ernesto Cano Ramírez, Maritza Islas Vargas and John Saxe-Fernández, who has a double participation when presenting his work entitled “Omnicidal capitalism and “national-Trumpism”: war-industrial, banking and financial drive towards bio-climatic collapse”; as well as a review in the corresponding section about his work “Political sociology of anthropogenic climate collapse”, written by Carlos Alberto Sánchez Ricardo. With more collaborations in its different sections, this issue is presented.

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