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Fall by the way: Legislación migratoria e instituciones psiquiátricas de California ante los enfermos mentales de origen mexicano
By: Viviana Mejía Cañedo
$ 29.95
ITEM: 190993
FALL BY THE WAY : LEGISLACIÓN MIGRATORIA E INSTITUCIONES PSIQUIÁTRICAS DE CALIFORNIA ANTE LOS ENFERMOS MENTALES DE ORIGEN MEXICANO, 1855-1942. / Viviana Mejía Cañedo. Ciudad de México, México : Gobierno de México , Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, 2019. 276 pages : includes photos, tables, maps, chart, bibliography ; 23 cm. ISBN 9786074461510.
Product information
Research that aims to open a perspective to show and understand those Mexican migrants who were diagnosed as mentally ill and interned in the asylums of Stockton and Mendocino between 1855 and 1942. The proposal of periodization of these migratory flows is taken up as possible explanatory frameworks based on the question of whether there is a link between the phenomenon of migration and the prescription of mental illness, there being then a correspondence between the increase in migration to the United States and the number of Mexicans admitted to asylums in California.
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