Fisuras, enmiendas y transiciones: Géneros y espacio(s)

Por: Robles Ortega, Rosalba

$ 19.45

ITEM: 195015
FISURAS, ENMIENDAS Y TRANSICIONES : GÉNEROS Y ESPACIO(S). / Rosalba Robles Ortega (compilator). Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México : Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, 2020. 134 pages : includes chart, color photo, color tables, color maps, semblances, bibliography at the end of each chapter ; 23 cm. ISBN :  9786075203850.
Método de envío
Pago seguro

Información del producto

The purpose of this degree is to develop, build and share solid and innovative knowledge about social problems within a complex area such as gender studies, unraveling the violence that continues to affect and hurt a large part of society. The authors give various versions of the violence experienced in Ciudad Juárez, such as urban violence, machismo, divorce - from religion and masculinities -, discrimination, exclusion, stigmatization, sexual harassment, rape, human trafficking and feminicide. The four texts presented here were supported by the Interdisciplinary Gender Studies and Educational Research program.

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