Homofobia: Odio, crimen y justicia, 1995-2005
$ 27.20
ITEM: 137329
HOMOFOBIA : ODIO, CRIMEN Y JUSTICIA, 1995-2005. / Fernando del Collado. México, D.F. : Tusquets Editores México, 2007. 273 pages : includes references, photos, bibliography ; 23 cm. (Colección Tiempo de Memoria). ISBN : 9789706991706.
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Between 1995 and 2005, 387 hate crimes against homosexuals were committed in Mexico (of which there is a record), with violent deaths in more than 54% of the cases. The premeditated negligence of the authorities and the indifference of a society still burdened by its thick sexist past are complicit in these deaths, as well as the impunity of their actors. It is in the midst of this brutal scenario where this work is generated, being an irrefutably documented denunciation against violence and against the moral prejudices that feed it; as well as offering a look at victims, executioners, activists and authorities.
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