Jñ’o tíbio jndye nno jñ’o m’a jñ’o koná’ñé n’a yo jñondá tzjó noa: Cuentos y leyendas en idioma amuzgo de San Pedro Amuzgos, Oaxaca

Por: Fermín Librado Tapia García

$ 22.50

ITEM: 141179
JÑ'O TÍBIO JNDYE NNO JÑ'O M'A JÑ'O KONÀ'NÈ N'A YO JÑONDÁ TZJÓN NOA : CUENTOS Y LEYENDAS EN IDIOMA AMUZGO DE SAN PEDRO AMUZGOS, OAXACA. / Fermín Librado Tapia García (compilator).  Oaxaca, México : Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes , Dirección General de Culturas Populares e Indígenas ; Secretaría de Cultura del Estado de Oaxaca ; Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social , Papeles de la Casa Chata ; Fundación Alfredo Harp Helú Oaxaca, 2008. 85 pages : includes glossary ; 22 cm. (Colección Diálogos Pueblos Originarios de Oaxaca ; Serie Glifos).
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Información del producto

This volume of the Diálogos Pueblos Originarios de Oaxaca Collection is a compilation of stories, legends and narratives from people originally from San Pedro Amuzgos who tell their stories and traditions, which in turn were transmitted by their grandparents. This work is intended to be used as teaching material in teaching and learning writing in Amuzgo, since it contains historical episodes of the community and stories written by the compiler. All of these texts are in their original language, offering a book that is almost entirely written in Amuzgo, including a glossary with a Spanish translation of the words most used in the stories.

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