La construcción del pasado indígena de Tezcoco: De Nezaualcóyotl a Alva Ixtilxóchitl
$ 32.00
ITEM: 181953
LA CONSTRUCCIÓN DEL PASADO INDÍGENA DE TEZCOCO : DE NEZAHUALCÓYOTL A ALVA IXTLILXÓCHITL. / Patrick Lesbre. México, D.F. : Gobierno de México, Secretaría de Cultura, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia ; Zamora, Michoacán, México : El Colegio de Michoacán ; Centro de Estudios Mexicanos y Centroamericanos, 2016. 537 pages : illustrations; 28 cm. Bibliography: pages 471-506. Includes bibliographical references. (Colección Investigaciones) 9786074847888 (INAH) ; 9786079470401 (COLMICH) ; 9782111389205 (CEMCA).
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This study follows the traces of the slow process of loss of traditional Acolhua historical memory, replaced little by little by legends, late testimonies, reinterpretations of ancient songs and the attempted interpretation of the few surviving codices. The intention of this work is to go back to the sources of these cultural transformations, facing the fact that few Acolhua historical works from the XVI century have survived to the present day. This research is dedicated to the analysis of some little-known or poorly interpreted texts that have in common their intention to present official Tezcoan history.
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