Tridimensión cósmica otomí

$ 19.35

ITEM: 138246
TRIDIMENSIÓN CÓSMICA OTOMÍ : APORTES AL CONOCIMIENTO DE SU CULTURA. / Luis Pérez Lugo. Chapingo, Estado de México : Universidad Autónoma Chapingo; México, D.F. : Plaza y Valdés, 2007. 173 pages : includes bibliography ; 21 cm. (Colección Sociología). ISBN : 9789707226562.

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This text presents a vision of the ñuhu (Otomí) world with a three-dimensional structure: father-mother-son, sun-fire-ray, hot-cold-fresh, cosmos-Earth-human, to define some aspects. Here it is shown, through the very structures of the Ottoman language, the living tradition and some texts that, despite the evident presence of Trinitarian thought, those who wrote it chose better to adhere to the reigning provisions designed by now classical research. Other core ideas among Otomi people are also shown in their vision of the world, as well as a system of thought different from that proposed by reason, science and the Western world.

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