

$ 11.75

ITEM: 171944
MANICOMIO. / Maurizio Medo. Monterrey, México : Regia Cartonera, 2011. 90 pages : includes illustrations, semblance, portrait ; 22 cm.
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Maurizio Medo won the Martín Adán National Poetry Prize in 1986, with which he began a long career, publishing various titles focused mainly on poetry since then. This collection of poems is divided into 4 sections, which allude to places, situations or characters in an asylum, as well as each one containing concepts, characters or authors of literature related to the concept of "madness." The author also plays with the text, sometimes introducing images that accompany and enrich the poem. This title belongs to Regia Cartonera, and is a hand-bound copy with a hand-painted cover.

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