Mujeres de Oriente
By: Estrada, Josefina.
Original price was: $ 23.75.$ 18.95Current price is: $ 18.95.
ITEM: 116414
MUJERES DE ORIENTE : RELATOS DESDE LA CÁRCEL. / Josefina Estrada (editor). México, D.F. : Josefina Estrada ; Editorial Colibrí, Colección Letra Escarlata ; Gobierno del Estado de Puebla, Secretaría de Cultura, 2002. 246 pages : includes references ; 21 cm. ISBN : 9685062366.
Product information
This anthology of short stories comes directly from the Reclusorio Femenil Oriente, where each of the stories is the testimony of an inmate who was prosecuted. Guided by Josefina Estrada, the inmates wrote this in a Literary Creation workshop taught by the author, within the same prison. Received, edited and treated with care and respect, here are given 17 stories that offer a look beyond the trial and the crime committed, where a reality rarely addressed is revealed firsthand: the one of imprisonment.
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