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Originaria: Alejandra Lucas Juárez

By: Alejandra Lucas Juárez

$ 36.55

ITEM: 199827
ORIGINARIA : ALEJANDRA LUCAS JUÁREZ. / Alejandra Lucas Juárez. Morelia, Michoacán, México : Alternativa Ediciones ; Laboratorio de arte TETL, 2019. 23 pages : includes map ; 21 cm. (Colección Originaria).
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Product information

Alejandra Lucas Juárez has a degree in Language and Culture from the Intercultural University of the State of Puebla, and has participated in student exchanges with New Mexico and Ontario; Some of her poems and bilingual Tutunakú-Spanish stories have been published in electronic magazines and in the Ojarasca supplement of the newspaper La Jornada. Tutunakú is a set of indigenous languages ​​spoken in the states of Puebla and Veracruz, belonging to the Totonaco-Tepehua linguistic family. Originaria is a project that seeks to publicize women's poetry in indigenous languages; This title being part of the collection is a bilingual Tutunakú-Spanish edition.

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