Oraciones, ensalmos y conjuros mágicos del archivo inquisitorial de la Nueva España, 1600-1630

By: Edición anotada y estudio preliminar Araceli Campos Moreno.

$ 28.25

ITEM: 108185
ORACIONES, ENSALMOS Y CONJUROS MÁGICOS DEL ARCHIVO INQUISITORIAL DE LA NUEVA ESPAñA, 1600-1630. / Edición anotada y estudio preliminar Araceli Campos Moreno. México, D.F.: El Colegio de México, 1999. 189 pages : 22 cm. Bibliography: pages 187-189. Includes bibliographic references. ISBN 9681209389.
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Compiles 78 texts representing witchcraft, divination, traditional healing and superstitions in New Spain. Considers literary and poetic resources found in prayers, incantations and spells as part of a long tradition that persists nowadays. Preliminary study reviews structure of texts and provides comparative analysis for each category. Chapters offer context, notes and observations on symbolism and magical attributes of words.

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