Plan Nacional de Desarrollo y políticas públicas 2012-2018
$ 34.50
ITEM: 193201
PLAN NACIONAL DE DESARROLLO Y POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS 2012-2018 : EVALUACIÓN Y PROPUESTAS PARA EL FUTURO. / Carlos Rodríguez Wallenius, Jorge Ruíz Moreno (coordinators). Ciudad de México, México : Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana , Sección de Publicaciones , División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, 2019. 249 pages : includes tables, illustrations, semblance, bibliography ; 23 cm. ISBN : 9786072818040.
Product information
Analysis and assessment of public policies applied based on the National Development Plan (PND) during the six-year term of government of Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018). With the voice of teachers, journalists and researchers, 9 topics of the PND are presented, with their respective theoretical and methodological approaches. Supported by data and figures obtained after the end of the six-year term, the authors make a reflective critique and explain in a clear and concise manner the approach and implementation of the PND, confronting the project between its application and subsequent results obtained.
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