Eloxochitlán : histórico, festivo y asombroso

$ 18.80

ITEM: 183942
ELOXOCHITLÁN : HISTÓRICO, FESTIVO Y ASOMBROSO. / Pachuca de Soto, México : Centro Estatal de Lenguas y Culturas Indígenas ; Eloxochitlán : Presidencia Municipal de Eloxochitlán, 2017. 123 pages : illustrations, map ; 22 cm.
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This book compiles texts about cave painting, archaeological sites, fishing, stories, legends, music and tourist attraction sites, with the aim of awakening interest in tourists. Eloxochitlán is a mexican municipality located in the southeastern part of the state of Puebla. It is considered an ancient town in history and tradition, with pre-hispanic ceramics, Laguna Metztitlán, Vega de Metztitlán, Cerro del Tsonsikui and festivities such as the Hualuala Carnival and the Eloxochitlán Carnival. In addition, a series of texts on toponymy, rock painting sites, archaeological zones, patron saint festivals, stories, legends, stories of the Almolón hacienda and history are also compiled.

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