Plumas, pinceles, acordes
By: Serafín González, Alma Mejía, María José Rodilla, Lilian von der Walde, coordinadores.
$ 26.45
ITEM: 163250
PLUMAS, PINCELES, ACORDES : ESTUDIOS DE LITERATURA Y CULTURA ESPAÑOLA E HISPANOAMERICANA (SIGLOS XVI AL XVIII), VOL. 1. / Serafín González, Alma Mejía, María José Rodilla, Lilian von del Walde (coordinators). México, D.F. : Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana , Unidad Iztapalapa , Departamento de Filosofía, 2011. 388 pages : includes references, photos, tables, bibliography at the end of each chapter ; 23 cm. ISBN : 9786074775648 (volumen) ; 9786074775631 (collection).
Product information
Result of the Second Congress of Golden and Viceregal Literature and Culture, convened by the Academic Body in Medieval Literature and Culture, of the Golden Centuries and New Spain Theater, belonging to the Metropolitan Autonomous University-Iztapalapa. In response, nearly 80 specialists from 36 academic institutions joined in and exchanged thoughts, positions and interest during five days of work. These studies have been divided into two volumes, as this is number 2, it contains the following sections: Chronicles and Relations of the Indies, Sor Juana and her work, Poetry of the Golden Ages: Spain and America and Art: examples and contacts and Culture and society of the New World.
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