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Simbolismos zapotecos de la sierra Juárez de Oaxaca

By: Mario Molina Cruz.

$ 11.10

ITEM: 123272
Molina Cruz, Mario. PRIMERAS INTERPRETACIONES DE SIMBOLISMOS ZAPOTECOS DE LA SIERRA JUÁREZ DE OAXACA: ENSAYOS, PRIMER TOMO / Mario Molina Cruz. Oaxaca. México: Instituto Oaxaqueño de las Culturas; Casa de la Cultura Oaxaqueña, 2003. 74 pages: 22 cm. Includes bibliographic references.    
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Product information

Compilation of initial reflections by Mario Molina Cruz regarding key symbols of Zapoteca culture in Sierra Juárez. Topics include: corn as food and spiritual foundation; the pantheist feature of pre-Hispanic godparents; meaningful artisanal utilities such as capisayo and peyote; myths about chayote; wealth and guardian rocks; evolution of greetings among sierra people and the therapeutic resource known as temascal.

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