Princesas para armar

By: Anaclara Muro

$ 29.10

ITEM: 198077
PRINCESAS PARA ARMAR. / Anaclara Muro. Querétaro, México : Palíndroma, 2022. 75 pages ; 21 cm. (Colección Aibofobia Poesía). ISBN : 9786079880385.
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Product information

Anaclara Muro is a writer, screenwriter and editor from Michoacán, she has received a scholarship from the PECDA in 2014 and from the FONCA in 2021. In this title the author traces, with a fragmented, lyrical voice, impregnated with black humor and satire, a series of poems that face pressure to conform to gender roles. Throughout these verses, themes of identity, autonomy, and social expectations are explored, inviting the reader to reconsider notions of femininity, individuality, and social limitations, confronting the reality of gender expectations.

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