Relatos desde la danza y el cuerpo: Identidad y oficio de un grupo de mujeres mexicanas y argentinas
$ 24.65
ITEM: 141904
RELATOS DESDE LA DANZA Y EL CUERPO : IDENTIDAD Y OFICIO DE UN GRUPO DE MUJERES MEXICANAS Y ARGENTINAS. / Gloria Briceño Alcaraz. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México : Universidad de Guadalajara , Centro Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, 2008. 354 pages : includes references, bibliography ; 21 cm. ISBN : 9789702712909.
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The profession of Arab dancer practiced in two Latin American contexts such as Mexico and Argentina is the focal point that the author took to build a research object that led her to explore processes of socialization, identity, bond with the body and formation of a personal project. of contemporary women. The author problematizes the object of research, thus opening various analytical paths to try to understand the tensions between stereotypes of women, as well as the emerging forms of meaning in the experience of women, especially when exercising this profession, which are generating changes and impacts on the formation of individuals.
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