Reportes consulares estadounidenses en Colima durante la Guerra Cristera (1927-1932)
By: Luis Roberto Vera; traducción, introducción y notas.
Original price was: $ 15.00.$ 5.00Current price is: $ 5.00.
ITEM: 126119
REPORTES CONSULARES ESTADOUNIDENSES EN COLIMA DURANTE LA GUERRA CRISTERA (1927-1932). / Luis Roberto Vera. Puebla, México : Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla , Facultad de Filosofía y Letras , Dirección de Fomento Editorial, 2004. 95 pages : includes notes, references, bibliography ; 21 cm. ISBN : 9688637645.
Product information
The documents presented here were obtained by Francisco Toledo in Washington, D.C., seeking to preserve and disseminate all material that could contribute to forming a collection of Zapotec history and culture. These consular reports make direct reference to the role played by General Heliodoro Charis and his Zapotec troops in the Colima area during the Cristero War. This compilation offers a dimension of the importance that the Isthmus' participation has had in the history of Mexico, as well as providing a historical context on the political transitions of the time and the political interests in Colima that concerned the United States.
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