Reportes consulares durante la Guerra Cristera

By: Luis Roberto Vera; traducción, introducción y notas.

$ 15.00

ITEM: 126119
Vera, Luis Roberto. REPORTES CONSULARES ESTADOUNIDENSES EN COLIMA DURANTE LA GUERRA CRISTERA, 1927-1932 / Luis Roberto Vera; (Editor). Puebla, México: BUAP, Dirección de Fomento Editorial; BUAP, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 2004. 95 pages: 21 cm. Bibliography: pages 95. Include bibliographic references. ISBN: 9688637645.
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Product information

Presents research from US consular reports focusing on the Cristero War from 1927 to 1932. Documents testimonies offering perspectives about military activities during Maximato period. Provides historical context on political transitions at the time and political interests in Colima which concerned the United States.

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