Un frío monstruo racional: El populismo en tiempos de Echeverría
$ 16.35
ITEM: 132342
UN FRÍO MONSTRUO RACIONAL : EL POPULISMO EN TIEMPOS DE ECHEVERRÍA, TOMO I. / Roberto González Villareal. México, D.F. : Secretaría de Educación Pública ; Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, 2005. 222 pages : includes tables references, bibliographic references ; 23 cm. (Colección Mástextos). ISBN : 9707021853.
Product information
Populism is an ideological phenomenon, so it can be present in different forms of political organization, however it has many aspects: it can be a movement, a political party or a government action; The diversity of its meanings makes it practically unmanageable, but very useful in battles for power. This text is a network of relationships, a tissue of voices and words, of arguments and references, where the Method of Government Analytics is synthesized: the problematizations, the regimes of governmentality, the means to govern and the tensions and crises of the populist rationality synthesized in monetary turbulence.
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