10 años produciendo estampas en el Taller Vetagráfica
$ 12.60
ITEM: 188125
10 AÑOS PRODUCIENDO ESTAMPAS EN EL TALLER VETAGRÁFICA. / Karina Lozano. Zacatecas, México : Texere Editores : Instituto Zacatecano de Cultura "Ramón López Velarde", 2019. 74 unnumbered pages : includes color photos, references ; 28 cm.
Product information
This book functions as a compilation of the work that has been done over 10 years at the Taller Vetagrafica, in Zacatecas, which has the purpose of becoming a hotbed of engravers committed to art and its social reach. Here the reader can find engravings that have been made with techniques such as lithography, xylography, linoleography, sheet engraving attacked with salts, engravings printed with one ink and pieces printed in various colors, some hand-colored and some that have gold and silver sheets.
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