Donde el diablo mete la cola: Antropología del arte y estética indígena
By: Eva María Garrido Izaguirre
$ 69.00
ITEM: 200814
DONDE EL DIABLO METE LA COLA : ANTROPOLOGÍA DEL ARTE Y ESTÉTICA INDÍGENA. / Eva María Garrido Izaguirre. Morelia, Michoacán, México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores , Unidad Morelia, Laboratorio Nacional de Materiales Orales Editorial, 2020. 719 pages : includes color photos, references, bibliography ; 22 cm. (Colección Estudios 2). ISBN : 9786073037174 (volumen) ; 9786073018395 (collection).
Product information
The objective of this work is to give a contextualized reading of the indigenous art of Ocumicho based on the analysis of the processes of creation, circulation, valuation and reception of the objects, at the same time that it proposes a route to approach the understanding and characterization of the Purépecha indigenous aesthetics. In this case, the research focuses on a type of sculptures with a devil figure made mainly by women who seek to transgress economic dependence on men. These sculptures are made of polychrome clay, fired in kitchens conditioned as pottery pots and with a meticulous painting process, in short: an indigenous art form.
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