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El cabildo catedralicio de Puebla y sus decretos sobre el pulque

By: paleografía, Viridiana Vera García ;estudio introductorio y notas, Viridiana Vera García y Ana María Dolores Huerta Jaramillo ; traducción de textos del latín al español, Alexis C. Hellmer Villalobos.

$ 38.00

ITEM: 184281
EL CABILDO CATEDRALICIO DE LA CIUDAD DE PUEBLA Y SUS DECRETOS SOBRE EL PULQUE, 1689 A 1806. / Viridiana Vera García, Ana María Dolores Huerta Jaramillo. México, Puebla : Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Dirección de Fomento Editorial, 2017. 221 pages : includes color photos, bibliography ; 28 cm. ISBN : 9786075254555.
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Product information

Known as the “drink of the gods”, pulque was very popular among the Puebla population from 1689 to 1806 - the period covered by this research -, causing concern among the ecclesiastical authorities regarding the transgressions that consumers incurred, even going so far as to denounce them before government authorities. This information is contained in a file located in the Archivo del Venerable Cabildo Catedrático de Puebla, and is explained in detail here. This work can contribute to the development of various lines of research, including scientific research, drink adulterations, gastronomic studies on food and others.

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