El Lejano Oriente en la poesía mexicana
By: Cross, Elsa
$ 74.85
ITEM: 199196
EL LEJANO ORIENTE EN LA POESÍA MEXICANA. / Cross, Elsa (selector). Culiacán Rosales, Sinaloa : Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa ; Ciudad de México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México , Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial ; Monterrey, Nuevo León, México : Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León , Dirección de Editorial Universitaria, 2022. 824 pages : includes bibliography ; 23 cm. ISBN : 9786077373858 (UAS) ; 9786073070201 (UNAM) ; 9786072719262 (UANL).
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The unknown always attracts attention, and can generate interest to try to understand and assimilate it. This is the case of the so-called “Far East” which, for many mexicans, has always been as foreign as it is intriguing, from its languages to its landscapes, religion, art, culture and idiosyncrasies. This anthology brings together 141 Mexican poets who, since 1900, when José Juan Tablada visited Japan, have dedicated some of their reflections and poems to these distant lands. These writings obey different ideas of poetry and each one has its own unique style, as well as capturing and enhancing various aspects, so that this title has great poetic richness.
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