El Rubaiyat de Omar Khayyam: Cuartinas
By: Omar Khayyam
$ 38.75
ITEM: 199486
EL RUBAIYAT DE OMAR KHAYYÂM : CUARTINAS. / Omar Khayyâm. Ricardo Reis (editor). Puebla, México : Territorio Poético A.C. , Todo Poesía ; Mota-Engil ; República Portuguesa : Direçâo-geral do livro, dos arquivos e das bibliotecas ; Camões Instituto da Cooperaçâo e da Lingua Portugal, 2022. 198 pages : includes photos, notes ; 20 cm. (Colección Círculo de Poesía). ISBN : 9786079135782.
Product information
Omar Khayyâm was a prodigious man who dabbled in astrology, mathematics, philosophy, poetry, music and medicine in Medieval Persia, known in his time as a libertine, mystic and prophet. His poems are quatrains, called rubaiyats, of which he wrote up to a thousand about nature and human beings. In this book there are more than one hundred and they are accompanied by other rubaiyats and odes by Fernando Pessoa, and Ricardo Ris. These quartets are dedicated to wine, beauty and the enjoyment of life, contrasted with bitterness and optimism, which shape the character of the individual when it's confronted with reality.
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