Estudios Latinoamericanos, Nueva época, Núm 42 Julio-diciembre 2018

$ 38.95

ITEM: 189907
ESTUDIOS LATINOAMERICANOS, NUEVA ÉPOCA, NÚM 42 JULIO-DICIEMBRE 2018. / Ciudad de México, México : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México , Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales,  Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos, 2018. 175 pages : includes bibliography ; 23 cm. (Serie Estudios Latinoamericanos). ISSN : 01871811.
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Number 42 of the journal Estudios Latinoamericanos de Nueva Época, which covers publications from July to December 2018. In the A Debate section, you can find a text by Lucio Fernando Oliver Costilla where he talks about the crisis in Brazil and the cycle of the State of 1988-2017. In the section Identidades y formas culturales María Inés Ortiz analyzes the origins of Puerto Ricanness through the culinary discourse in the Crónicas de Indias. For the Procesos y tendencias section, Lia Pinheiro Barbosa writes about the dilemmas for peasant movements in Brazil in the “PT era.” With more collaborations in different sections, this issue is presented in a bilingual Portuguese-Spanish edition.

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