La Biblioteca Nacional: Triunfo de la república

$ 146.80

ITEM: 135364
LA BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL : TRIUNFO DE LA REPÚBLICA. / México, D.F. : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2006. 308 pages : includes color photos, references, bibliography ; 33 cm. ISBN : 9703237363.
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To give an account of both the history of an institution so important in the life of Mexico, as well as the materials that make it up, this book is presented that includes color photographs and references to take a tour of the National Library over time. of Mexico, from its creation to the present. Like its sister institutions in the world, it concentrates, safeguards and makes accessible the materials printed or recorded in other media that make up the country's historical memory since 1929. It is published on the bicentennial of the birth of Benito Juárez since it was he who published it. definitively established in 1867. Here the authors offer more context than a global historical overview, although most of the works deal with the colonial era.

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