Las estaciones de Leslie

By: Liliana Santiago Ramírez

$ 24.50

ITEM: 199155
LAS ESTACIONES DE LESLIE. / Liliana Santiago Ramírez. Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo, México : Editorial Cipselas , 2023. 41 pages : includes illustrations ; 21 cm. (Colección Infantil Petirrojo).
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Liliana Santiago Ramírez studied Literary Studies at the UAQ and has two diplomas in Cultural Studies and Fiction Film Scriptwriting; She is the author of various stories that have been selected to participate in read-alouds and radio programs. This title is an anthology of children's stories that follow Leslie, a curious girl, and her grandmother, who tries to guide her through the doubts that her life poses to her granddaughter. These stories are moving and contain very detailed images about nature and the places she describes, as they are inspired by the memories of the author's relationship with her grandmother and by the memory of her sister, Leslie.

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