Nueve poetas mexicanos
By: Carlos Montemayor
$ 16.10
ITEM: 197035
NUEVE POETAS MEXICANOS. / Carlos Montemayor. Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México : Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez ; Centro de Servicios Bibliotecarios, 2021. 224 pages : includes references ; 22 cm. ISBN : 9786075204154 (volumen) ; 6075204156 (collection).
Product information
This title is a compilation of essays that were published in various magazines, anthologies and a book (about three of the authors), thus being loose works. Carlos Montemayor makes an analysis of poetry contrasted with biographical details of the lives of Efrén Rebolledo, Jorge Cuesta, José Gorostiza, Gilberto Owen, Elías Nandino, Efraín Huerta, Rubén Bonifaz Nuño and Alí Chumacero. Montemayor was interested in investigating these authors not only details such as places and dates, but also deeper aspects of their memories, since he considered that by combining these two aspects he could thus draw a connecting thread between their lives and their poetic work.
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