Personajes e instituciones del pueblo mixteco
$ 37.50
ITEM: 129374
PERSONAJES E INSTITUCIONES DEL PUEBLO MIXTECO. / Angel Iván Rivera Guzmán, Alejandro Méndez Aquino, Edgar Mendoza García, Rubén Vasconcelos Beltrán, Mario Magallón Anaya. Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, México : Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca, 2004. 126 pages : includes color photos, references, bibliographic references, bibliography ; 23 cm.
Product information
This title contains the conferences and papers presented in the framework of the III Mixtec Culture Week presented in June 2003 by the Technological University of the Mixteca (UTM), which has the mission of disseminating in print the cultural manifestations of the Mixteca region. In order to create the dissemination of knowledge, some topics are discussed here such as: History, philosophy, archaeology, chronicles, former convents and their architecture. Some of the specific topics explored are the Mixtec rulers, economic independence of the peoples, legends and traditions, current situation of some former convents and the philosophical-educational project of José Vasconcelos.
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