Sangre sorprendida

By: María Teresa Gutiérrez

$ 22.40

ITEM: 198863
SANGRE SORPRENDIDA. / María Teresa Gutiérrez. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México : Espina Dorsal, 2022. 85 pages ; 21 cm. (Colección Nómada). ISBN : 9786079974000.
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María Teresa Gutiérrez has a degree in Hispanic Literature and a master's degree in Applied Linguistics from the University of Guadalajara and is the author of various poetry collections, as well as having been included in anthologies. The poetry that she presents here is divided into 5: Prologue, Seed of Man, The Region of Mystery, The Signs and Feature Film on Ways of Dying. Most of these poems tend more towards stanza and narration, obtaining musicality from another place other than verse, taking up the poetic work of other authors to start from there and give a completely new idea.

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