¿Una Historia compartida?


$ 22.40

ITEM: 140919
¿UNA HISTORIA COMPARTIDA? : REVOLUCIÓN MEXICANA Y CATOLICISMO SOCIAL, 1913-1924. / María Gabriela Aguirre Cristiani. México, D.F. : Instituto Mexicano de Doctrina Social Cristiana ; Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México; Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Xochimilco, 2008. 282 pages : includes references, tables, bibliography ; 21 cm. (Colección Historia de la Iglesia en México). ISBN : 9789689074267.
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The study of the Catholic Church, the history of social Catholicism in Mexico has played a role of great importance throughout history in Mexico. The work that has been done on the Church and its social doctrine is far from having exhausted the topic and there are still important questions to be clarified, especially in stages in which social and political actors –in theory– have not been involved with issues of a nature. religious. This research addresses the work of the Catholic Church and specifically the implementation of social Catholicism –the social doctrine of the Church– during the period from 1913 to 1924.

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