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Perdigones: Apuntes sobre la novela criminal norfronteriza

By: José Salvador Ruiz Méndez

$ 24.70

ITEM: 199862
PERDIGONES : APUNTES SOBRE LA NOVELA CRIMINAL NORFRONTERIZA. / José Salvador Ruiz Méndez. México, Tijuana : Gobierno de México, Secretaría de Cultura, Centro Cultural Tijuana, 2022. 180 pages : includes references, bibliography at the end of each chapter ; 20 cm. (Colección Divulgación Cultural 2021.) ISBN : 9786076311721.
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This work is the winner in the Divulgación Cultural category of the Cecut 2021 Programa de Publicaciones Colección Editorial, having been highlighted by the jury due to the clarity of its exposition, the originality with which it addresses and updates a topic previously discussed in various literary and academic works. . José Salvador Ruiz Méndez has a doctorate in literature from the University of California and has published academic articles in magazines in Mexico, the United States, Chile and Argentina. With this title, a cartography of the criminal genre is created in the literature that is set on the northern border of Mexico, as well as the conceptual strength and the historical documentary fabric that support the work.

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