Aspiraciones y trayectorias educativas
By: José Sánchez Jiménez.
$ 20.15
ITEM: 194235
ASPIRACIONES Y TRAYECTORIAS EDUCATIVAS : LAS VIDAS DISRUPTIVAS DE LOS JÓVENES EN EDUCACIÓN MEDIA SUPERIOR EN AMECA, JALISCO, CUAJINICUILAPA, GUERRERO Y XALAPA, VERACRUZ. / José Sánchez Jiménez. Ciudad de México, México : Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social , Plaza y Valdés Editores, 2021. 160 pages : includes illustrations, tables, bibliography ; 23 cm. ISBN : 9786074866070 (CIESAS) ; 9786078788132 (PyV).
Product information
Through a meticulous analysis and interpretation of youth aspirations in restricted contexts such as Ameca, Cuajinicuilapa and Xalapa, the author tries to delve into the vision that young people in these communities have about their upper secondary education. The author suggests that there must be someone or something that encourages the maintenance of school aspirations and guides them in their life project, not resigning ourselves as a society to dropping out of school as a solution or alternative. Consider it relevant to highlight in the field of young people issues such as: type of educational trajectory, types of family and co-residence, work context, economic dependence on their relatives and even the use of cell phones, emphasizing the last one due to the existing tension between the information available online and real learning.
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