Diagnóstico sobre el debido proceso para población indígena en prisión estado de Campeche
$ 30.50
ITEM: 195447
DIAGNÓSTICO SOBRE EL DEBIDO PROCESO PARA POBLACIÓN INDÍGENA EN PRISIÓN ESTADO DE CAMPECHE. / Artemia Fabre Zarandona, Elisa Cruz Rueda, María del Pilar Elizondo Zenteno. Chiapas, México : Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas : Diálogo y movimiento : Política, Gestión y Educación en y para la diversidad: Gobierno de Chiapas , Insituto de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación ; Michigan, Estados Unidos : W.K. Kellog Fundation, 2020. 100 pages : includes tables, graphics, bibliography ; 23 cm. ISBN : 9786078800124.
Product information
The authors carried out this research in order to offer a general overview of the situation that the indigenous population live, in terms of access to justice and to make known the reality of indigenous women and men in prison. Touching on topics about what their criminal process for which they were sentenced is or has been like, or whether it complied with the guarantees of due process. They locate their object of study in the Social Reintegration Center of San Francisco Kobén, in the state of Campeche, México. The information contained here has been extracted from the project for release named Propuesta de intervención piloto de Diálogo y movimiento, A.C
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