Historia del béisbol mexicano

By: Ramón Hernández, Jorge Hernández.
Category: SPORTS

$ 20.00

ITEM: 124756
Hernández, Ramón. EL BRILLO DEL DIAMANTE. HISTORIA DEL BEISBOL MEXICANO / Ramón Hernández , Jorge Hernández. Xalapa, Veracruz: Universidad Veracruzana; Ficticia, 2004. 155 pages: 18 cm. (Ediciones del Beisbolista). Bibliography: pages 153-155. ISBN: 968538228X.
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Historical overview of baseball in Mexico. Provides context on its origin in 1890s; the relevance of a key player, Martín Dihigo Llanos from the 1930s to 1950s; outstanding figures in the sport.  

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