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El Jchi’iltik y la dominación jkaxlan en Larráinzar, Chiapas
$ 25.00
ITEM: 134344
EL JCHI'ILTIK Y LA DOMINACIÓN JKAXLAN EN LARRÁINZAR, CHIAPAS. / Lucas Ruiz Ruiz. Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México : Consejo Estatal para las Culturas y las Artes de Chiapas, 2006. 246 pages : includes references, photos, bibliography ; 21 cm (Serie Estudios Historia ; Biblioteca Popular de Chiapas). ISBN : 9706971947.
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The objective of this title is to seek, among the many writings about Chiapas, to provide information and new perspectives where the thinking and feelings of the people of Chiapas can be rescued; especially studies of the indigenous people themselves regarding their social condition and life perspectives in the current political context. The author –a Chiapas indigenous researcher– proposes as a research topic a nodal point of interethnic relations in Chiapas, supporting with academic rigor the problem of domination to which the indigenous people are subjected, and focuses in particular on the history of Larráinzar, Chiapas.
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