El mundo ikoots en el arte de tejer de Justina Oviedo

By: Flavia Cuturi

$ 33.00

ITEM: 184485
EL MUNDO IKOOTS EN EL ARTE DE TEJER DE JUSTINA OVIEDO: JAYATS MITIIUD MUM JUSTINA. / Flavia Cuturi.  Oaxaca, México : Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia ; Carteles Editores, 2017. 91 pages : color photos, color illustrations, maps, bibliography ; 26 cm. ISBN : 9786078498284.  
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The Ikoots are a relatively small and isolated people, they have roots of greater or lesser depth in Mesoamerica and have their own linguistic tree. However, being in constant contact with other peoples such as the Otomangue, Yutonahua, Mixe-Zoque and Chontal of Oaxaca, caused a mixture of words and traditions. Each town preserved distinctive aspects of its material culture, as well as the exchange of raw materials, design elements and knowledge. As a result of this, a wide variety of textiles were produced, both in formats, styles and techniques that generate a wide variety of products such as huipils, quesquémelels, blouses and napkins.

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