La colección Rufino Tamayo

$ 46.00

ITEM: 128920
LA COLECCIÓN RUFINO TAMAYO DEL MUSEO DE ARTE MODERNO DE MÉXICO : JULIO 2005-MAYO 2006. / Oaxaca, México: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes; Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes; Espacio Cultural Metropolitano (METRO) de Tampico; 2005. 63 pages.
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Catalog of exhibit spanning from July 2005 to May 2006 featuring Rufino Tamayo Collection housed in the Museum of Modern Art in Mexico. Highlights works of renowned Mexican artist Rufino Tamayo. Through a selection of paintings, sculptures, and other artistic pieces, this catalog provides a glimpse into Tamayo s artistic vision and his significant contributions to modern art. With its concise yet informative text and stunning visuals, this catalog constitutes resource for art enthusiasts and scholars interested in exploring rich artistic legacy of Tamayo.

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