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El oficio de los muertos
By: Ana Verónica Torres Licón
$ 13.15
ITEM: 195018
EL OFICIO DE LOS MUERTOS. / Ana Verónica Torres Licón. Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México : Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, 2021. 81 pages; 22 cm. (Colección Voces al Sol Poesía ; Serie Poesía, Volumen 4). ISBN : 9786075204086 (volumen) ; 9786075201191 (collection).
Product information
Ana Verónica Torres Licón is a writer, lecturer, communicator and editor of Sol de Parral, as well as host of the program “La hora delearn” on Grupo Radiorama 1300 A.M. The poems contained here express, portray and redefine grief, especially the first moment in which a loved one dies and the mourners must face all the social and religious rites that correspond. The reader can find in these verses a kind of consolation in the face of the loss of someone who meant something to her life, since the author expresses her own doubts, discontents and complexities in this regard, as well as offering the perspective of life that continues, learning to live with absence.
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