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Fiestas patronales barriales en la ciudad dual de Cholula

$ 18.00

ITEM: 191950
FIESTAS PATRONALES BARRIALES EN LA CIUDAD DUAL DE CHOLULA. / Alejandra Gámez Espinosa, Rosalba Ramírez Rodríguez, Angélica Correa de la Garza (coordinators). Puebla, México : Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla , Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 2019. 326 pages : includes photos, tables, bibliography ; 23 cm. ISBN : 9786075255828 ; 6075255826.
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Product information

Ethnographic analysis of the patron saint festivals of some Cholulteca neighborhoods, starting from the premise of the co-determining relationship between the urban form (neighborhood) and the cultural figure (festival). The Cholula neighborhood is defined by the social relationships that its actors weave in space and time, and what characterizes it are not only the places or characters such as temples, sanctuaries or plazas, but the complex symbolic production that makes it different from others neighborhoods. The patron saint's festival summarizes the neighborhood objectified and intertwined in the worldview of the saint/virgin, functioning not only as a religious expression, but in the long run as a form of identity for its inhabitants.

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